
Champions for Healthy Living
Our Mission Statement
To create innovative programs that provide access to educational, recreational and healthy living initiatives designed to positively aid in the development of the total person.
Our Vision
To create and foster programs that introduce healthy living initiatives to the family unit. Through our programs, the foundation will provide substance-abuse awareness, host basketball clinics, as well as create an academic excellence program to assist youth in pursuing their educational endeavors.
About Coach Lucas
John Lucas is a retired American professional basketball and tennis player and current professional coach. He started his career with the Houston Rockets as the first overall pick in the 1976 NBA after being named an All-American in both basketball and tennis at the University of Maryland. Lucas’ playing career spanned 14 years until his retirement in 1990. He was Head Coach for the NBA San Antonio Spurs, Philadelphia 76ers and Cleveland Cavaliers, and the past six seasons served as the first assistant coach for the Houston Rockets before transitioning to his current role in the front office. He is the head of scouting and part of the leadership team that runs the day-to-day operations for the NBPA’s Top 100 Program. In 1995, Lucas entered the North Carolina Hall of Fame, being recognized for both basketball and tennis. He was born and raised in Durham, NC.
John Lucas resides in Houston, Texas. He is regarded as one of the world's best resources for basketball training, player development, and grassroots basketball. His camps and clinics have built a reputation for being among the best organized and professional events with a strong focus on fundamentals. Additionally, Lucas is nationally renowned for the work he has done in support of athletes overcoming substance abuse. After a personal struggle with drug dependencies, Lucas dedicated himself to helping others battling mental health issues regain control of their lives. In 1990 Lucas founded John Lucas Enterprises, a network of drug-treatment programs for young athletes. He has written the mental health player policies for all four major sports leagues and authored a top selling book ‘Winning One Day at a Time’. Lucas will celebrate his 38th anniversary of sobriety on March 14, 2024, and continues to live out his mission to help anyone struggling with mental health achieve greatness again.
"What I thought was the worst possible deal in life turned out to be the best gift I've been given. My addiction carried me past my sports life. It gave me my best trophy. It gave me John Lucas. It gave me life." - John Lucas
Our Goals

To create and foster support for programs that provide a holistic approach to repairing lives, building self-confidence and self-achievement

To create and support programs that empower youth to develop self discipline, self-esteem and self-confidence To invest in the lives of families by empowering youth to develop self discipline, self-esteem and self-confidence

To offer the recovery community social activities, recreation and fellowship without the need for alcohol and drugs

To restore lives and to give hope to individuals and families